For a rammed earth home, Olnee Constructions builds structural RE walls which are engineered to meet or exceed the regional climatic conditions and code requirements.
Local soils that have been carefully tested for strength and appearance are mixed with a small amount (5 to 10%) of Portland cement and water. Layers are placed in special formwork and mechanically compacted into stone-like walls.
In colder climates, a high R-value insulation is embedded within the core of the wall creating a warm, high-mass interior for your rammed earth home.
The result is a healthy, beautiful, natural looking structure that uses very little energy to heat or cool. A rammed earth home will also last an extremely long time and will require much less maintenance than other buildings.

Setting up the formwork in the desired position for a new rammed earth home.

Mixing the earth, cement and waterproof mixture.

Filling the formwork with the earth mixture.
Ramming the earth.
Building the wall to the designated height.
The amazing finished product!